Ain't Nothing Wrong With Robert Randolph & the Family Band

Robert Randolph & The Family Band - Colorblind
These guys get it right in their first line: “whether it’s rock n’ roll or old soul, it don’t matter.” They’ll play it all. Robert Randolph & the Family Band don’t fit easily into many categories. Funk? No, too much guitar. Rock? No, too much funk. R&B? No, too much rock. Led by the sweetest electric lap-steel you’ll ever meet, they blend all those styles with Motown, rap, zydeco, and blues to give a sound you’ll never find anywhere else. Oh fine, just for the hell of it I’ll give you an analogy. Think two parts Parliament mixed with one part homemade Outkast, but throw in some more soul. Even if you do think that, it won’t do Colorblind justice.
So what makes them so good? They’re damn talented in their own right, often switching instruments just to get certain sounds. And it doesn’t hurt to have a slew of other talented cast-members come in and help. They’ve made good friends with the best, with Dave Matthews and Leela James singing on a few tunes, and even getting Eric Clapton playing on a remake of “Jesus is Just Alright” by the Doobie Brothers. What’s that? You’re scared of the “jesus” thing? I have to say it struck me as odd too, being more of a secular consumer. But Jesus has never sounded anything like this before. Starting with Hendrix like riffs, though moving into a melody that sounds eerily like the “look who we’ve got our Hanes on now” jingle, it’s full of distorted guitar, bongo drums and soul. If it’s religious, it’s not in an annoying way where they throw it in your face and try to convert you any chance they get. They dive into the everyday lives of us heathens as well, mastering the love song with “Angels” and “Stronger,” and ever fighting for peace through music with “Love is the Only Way.”
The sound is definitely different from their last album Unclassified. In a way, that should have been this albums name. One song will be a funky dance tune and the next a soulful love song. You can’t put them anywhere, you just have to listen. And if they keep putting out stuff like this, I’m sure everyone will be.
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